CSIR and GAEC researchers call for a sustainable resolution against Galamsey.

Ghanaian scientists have suggested organizing a national dialogue among stakeholders to address the ongoing issue of illegal small-scale mining, known as 'galamsey' (gather and sell) in Ghana. 

They have urged the government to facilitate a discussion that brings together researchers, environmentalists, mining companies, traditional leaders, and civil society organizations to formulate a sustainable approach to the illegal mining crisis. 

In a statement released by the Research Staff Association and the Research Scientists Association of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC), the scientists emphasized the need for regulation in the sector to mitigate its environmental and safety impacts while also leveraging its potential to reduce poverty.

The statement highlighted that research conducted by these institutions has demonstrated that illegal mining has severely degraded Ghana's natural environment, particularly affecting water bodies, forests, and agricultural land. 

Almost all our river systems, including the Pra, Daboase, Ankobra, and Offin, have been heavily contaminated with toxic substances such as mercury, cadmium, lead, and other hazardous elements.

 lamented the two associations. 

This pollution has rendered many water resources unfit for domestic use, impacting millions of Ghanaians who depend on them.

Recent studies indicate that over 60% of water bodies in mining regions are contaminated due to illegal mining activities. 

The scientists expressed concerns about the extensive deforestation caused by galamsey operations, which has led to a biodiversity loss of approximately 50,000 hectares of forest each year. They also noted that illegal mining practices result in the removal of nutrient-rich topsoil necessary for crop production.

Furthermore, the use of hazardous chemicals in these operations has made large areas of fertile agricultural land unsuitable for farming. 

These actions threaten Ghana’s food security and exacerbate rural poverty, the statement cautioned. 

The scientists called on the government to take urgent and sustained action to combat the galamsey crisis. 

They advocated for an immediate suspension of all illegal small-scale mining activities until sustainable mining practices are established.

 We urge the government to halt all illegal small-scale mining activities for no less than one year and to invest in promoting sustainable, eco-friendly mining practices by providing technical and financial assistance to small-scale miners.

they stated.

Regarding the restoration of damaged lands and water bodies, the statement recommended that authorities launch a comprehensive national program aimed at reclaiming areas devastated by galamsey. 

This should encompass reforestation efforts and the rehabilitation of polluted water bodies, prioritizing communities most affected by environmental damage. The government must partner with research institutions like GAEC and CSIR to utilize innovative technologies in land reclamation and water purification.

the scientists advised. 

Additionally, they called for broader cooperation between the government, traditional authorities, and civil society organizations in the fight against illegal mining, emphasizing that chiefs and community leaders should be empowered to take an active role in preventing illegal mining in their areas.

Credit:Graphic Online. 

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